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«Je n'ai dessein de relater, en marge du récit que je vais entreprendre, que les épisodes les plus marquants de ma vie telle que je peux la concevoir hors de son plan organique, soit dans la mesure même où elle est livrée aux hasards, au plus petit comme au plus grand, où regimbant contre l'idée commune que je m'en fais, elle m'introduit dans un monde comme défendu qui est celui des rapprochements soudains, des pétrifiantes coïncidences, des réflexes primant tout autre essor du mental, des accords plaqués comme au piano, des éclairs qui feraient voir, mais alors voir, s'ils n'étaient encore plus rapides que les autres.»
E passe-temps favori de Mme de Merteuil et Valmont est de pervertir et manipuler les jeunes gens, comme la jeune et innocente Cécile Volanges. Ils souhaitent répandre autour d'eux une vision de l'amour où les sentiments n'ont pas leur place, pourtant Valmont tombe sous le charme de Mme de Tourvel.
"Impression en « gros caractères » et version numérique téléchargeable gratuitement à partir du livre.
Maupassant décrit une société de la fin du XIXe siècle entachée par les scandales. Au sein d'un journal parisien, Georges Duroy utilise toutes les ficelles mises à sa disposition pour grimper dans l'échelle sociale."
Le Havre, 1869. Jacques Lantier est rongé par une lourde hérédité... Les femmes réveillent en lui des pulsions meurtrières. Il leur préfère sa Lison, la locomotive qu´il conduit fièrement, jour après jour. Un regard changera tout, celui de Séverine, croisé lors de l´enquête sur le meurtre du président de la Compagnie ferroviaire. Jacques s´éprend de la jeune femme. Elle semble être la seule à pouvoir le guérir de sa folie.
Daisy Miller, a naive young American woman traveling in Europe with her family, finds it difficult to understand Europen society
A novel that offers an account of the constant cycle of drug dependency, cures and relapses.
The narrator of this story is a boy who leaves California to attend a college in New England. He falls in with a group of students of Ancient Greek. Four of their number work themselves into a trance-like condition one night, and murder a local farmer. Bunny then tries to blackmail the others.
Rejected by the man she loves when he discovers that her father will disinherit her if they marry, Catherine Sloper again meets Morris Townsend after the death of her forbidding and domineering parent
Antony Beevor Stalingrad Stalingrad est sans doute le tournant capital de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa chute aurait livré à Hitler les pétroles du Caucase. Et quel symbole que de prendre la ville qui portait le nom du « petit père des peuples ». De ces enjeux résulta un des plus gigantesques - et des plus atroces - affrontements militaires de l'Histoire. La Wehrmacht en ressortit brisée ; l'Armée rouge y forgea la légende d'un communisme libérateur.
Pour conter cette épopée, où l'héroïsme et la barbarie se côtoient à chaque page, l'historien britannique Antony Beevor a pu accéder, le premier, aux archives soviétiques, jalousement tenues secrètes jusqu'à la chute du régime, qu'il a confrontées aux archives allemandes ainsi qu'à d'innombrables témoignages.
Opérations militaires, relations entre les hauts gradés et le pouvoir politique, souffrances quotidiennes des combattants des deux bords et des civils : à tous les niveaux, ce récit rigoureux et inspiré apporte des révélations et des éclairages nouveaux. Il nous fait revivre au jour le jour une bataille où se joua le sort du monde.
On sort de ce bilan magistral abasourdi par l'ampleur et l'horreur des destructions humaines. mais aussi par le temps qu'il a fallu à l'Histoire pour qu'elle reprenne, sur un tel sujet, ses droits. Voilà qui est fait.
Pierre Daix, Le Figaro littéraire.
The town in this tale is Galloway, Massachusetts, birthplace of the five sons and three daughters of the Martin family in the early 1900s. The city is New York, the heaving melting pot which lures them all in search of futures and identity.
Sal Paradise, young and innocent, joins the slightly crazed Dean Moriarty on a breathless, exuberant ride back and forth across the United States. Their hedonistic search for release or fulfilment through drink, sex, drugs and jazz becomes an exploration of personal freedom, a test of the limits of the American Dream.
Ignatius J Reilly is fat, flatulent, eloquent and almost unemployable. By the standards of ordinary folk he is pretty much unhinged, too. But is he bothered by this? No. For this misanthropic crusader against an America fallen into vice and ignorance has a mission: to rescue a naked female philosopher in distress.
One of Voltaire's earliest tales, Zadig is set in the exotic East and is told in the comic spirit of Candide; L'Ingenu, written after Candide, is a darker tale in which an American Indian records his impressions of France
Newland Archer saw little to envy in the marriages of his friends, yet he prided himself that in May Welland he had found the companion of his needstender and impressionable, with equal purity of mind and manners. The engagement was announced discreetly, but all of New York society was soon privy to this most perfect match, a union of families and circumstances cemented by affection. Enter Countess Olenska, a woman of quick wit sharpened by experience, not afraid to flout convention and determined to find freedom in divorce. Against his judgment, Newland is drawn to the socially ostracized Ellen Olenska, who opens his eyes and has the power to make him feel. He knows that in sweettempered May, he can expect stability and the steadying comfort of duty. But what new worlds could he discover with Ellen? Written with elegance and wry precision, Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prizewinning masterpiece is a tragic love story and a powerful homily about the perils of a perfect marriage.Commentary by William Lyon Phelps and E. M. ForsterFrom the Trade Paperback edition.
In the vaulted gothic towers of Notre-Dame lives Quasimidi, the hunchbacked bell-ringer. Micked and shunned for his appearance, he is pitied only by Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy dancer to whom he becomes completely devoted. Esmeralda, however, has also attracted the attention of the sinister archdeacon Claude Frollo, and when she rejects his lecherous approaches, Frollo hatches a plot to destroy her, which only Quasimido can prevent. Victor Hugo's sensational, evocative novel brings life to the medieval Paris he loved, and mourns its passing in one of the greatest historical romances of the nineteenth century.
John Sturrock's clear, contemporary translation is accompanied by an introduction discussing it as a passionate novel of ideas, written in defence of Gothic architecture and of a burgeoning democracy, and demonstrating that an ugly exterior can conceal moral beauty. This revised edition also includes further reading and a chronology of Hugo's life.
Des favorites royales, la marquise de Pompadour est sans aucun doute la plus célèbre.
Pourtant, son ascendance bourgeoise aurait dû lui fermer les portes de la Cour. Et c'est grâce à sa beauté, à sa prodigieuse énergie et à son intelligence qu'elle parvint à séduire Louis XV. Même lorsque leur relation prit un tour platonique, elle resta sa plus chère amie. Avec talent et habileté, elle sut également s'imposer à Versailles et y exerça une influence qui ne se démentit jamais au cours des vingt années de son " règne " : faisant et défaisant les ministres, se mêlant de politique et de prodiguer ses conseils.
Femme de goût, elle fut encore un véritable mécène, soutien indéfectible des érudits et artistes de son temps. Dans l'intimité de cette femme de pouvoir, Nancy Mitford fait revivre la cour de Louis XV et décrit avec malice ses intrigues et l'entourage de la marquise.
Originally published 25 years ago 'Orientalism' is an influential book of ideas. Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East. For generations now this book has defined our understanding of colonialism and empire.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
- Adult Pbs
- Modern Classics
- 22 Février 2000
- 9780141182667
The portrayal of Stephen Dedalus's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest of identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of his family, religion and Ireland itself, is also an oblique self-portrait of the young James Joyce and a testament to the artist's "eternal imagination".
Naked lunch ; the restored text
William seward Burroughs
- Adult Pbs
- Modern Classics
- 29 Janvier 2015
- 9780141189765
Nightmarish and fiercely funny, William Burroughs' virtuoso, taboo-breaking masterpiece Naked Lunch follows Bill Lee through Interzone: a surreal, orgiastic wasteland of drugs, depravity, political plots, paranoia, sadistic medical experiments and endless, gnawing addiction. One of the most shocking novels ever written, Naked Lunch is a cultural landmark, now in a restored edition incorporating Burroughs' notes on the text, alternate drafts and outtakes from the original. 'A masterpiece. A cry from hell, a brutal, terrifying, and savagely funny book that swings between uncontrolled hallucination and fierce, exact satire' Newsweek ' Naked Lunch is a banquet you will never forget' J. G. Ballard
The Spy Who Came in From The Cold
John Le carré, John Le Carre
- Adult Pbs
- Modern Classics
- 29 Juillet 2010
- 9780141194523
Alex Leamas is tired. It's the 1960s, he's been out in the cold for years, spying in Berlin for his British masters, and has seen too many good agents murdered for their troubles. Now Control wants to bring him in at last - but only after one final assignment.
He must travel deep into the heart of Communist Germany and betray his country, a job that he will do with his usual cynical professionalism. But when George Smiley tries to help a young woman Leamas has befriended, Leamas's mission may prove to be the worst thing he could ever have done.
In le Carré's breakthrough work of 1963, the spy story is reborn as a gritty and terrible tale of men who are caught up in politics beyond their imagining.
This translation of the first volume of Prout's classic novel emphasizes its comic aspect, showing a Proust more sharply engaged and lucid than is generally accepted. It depicts the impressions of a sensitive boy of his family and neighbours, brought back to life by the taste of a madeleine.
A leading translation of Stoic philosophy in wise and practical aphorisms that have inspired Bill Clinton, Ryan Holiday, Anna Kendrick and many more. Written in Greek by an intellectual Roman emperor without any intention of publication, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius offer a wide range of fascinating spiritual reflections and exercises developed as the leader struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. Spanning from doubt and despair to conviction and exaltation, they cover such diverse topics as the question of virtue, human rationality, the nature of the gods and the values of leadership. But while the Meditations were composed to provide personal consolation, in developing his beliefs Marcus also created one of the greatest of all works of philosophy: a series of wise and practical aphorisms that have been consulted and admired by statesmen, thinkers and ordinary readers for almost two thousand years. To provide a full understanding of Aurelius's seminal work, this edition includes explanatory notes, a general index, an index of quotations, an index of names, and an introduction by Diskin Clay putting the work in its biographical, historical, and literary context, a chronology of Marcus Aurelius's life and career. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.